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Showing posts from December, 2009

syslog-ng OSE 3.1beta2 release

I've mentioned shortly in my previous post, but here's a more official announcement: I've released syslog-ng OSE 3.1beta2, containing some important bugfixes. The list of changes: Thanks to Martin Holste for the feedback he provided, hopefully we can forget about the "beta" part soon.

Patterndb release for syslog-ng 3.1

You may probably know that starting with syslog-ng 3.0, we started poking into the message payload by being able to extract information from the log messages and use that information in structured form for message routing, filtering and storing them as separate fields in a database table. You may have read about patterndb on this blog or on Marci's blog and we have also given talks about it on different conferences: NNM 2009 and LSM/RMLL 2009 . The reason I'm raising the topic here again is that we have now released about 8000 patterns covering about 200 applications for patterndb and are now in the process of creating a community site to maintain this database. You can download the database from . Also an important thing to know that syslog-ng OSE 3.1 features enhanced performance with regard to handling information extracted from the message payload and it also has support for the latest patterndb database format. So if you want to try the new database, fetc...

syslog-ng OSE 3.1beta1 released

I'm proud to announce that syslog-ng OSE 3.1 has been released and uploaded to our webserver. This version is new in two ways: 1) of course it has new features, see below for the most interesting bits 2) it is a "feature release", which means that once syslog-ng 3.2 or syslog-ng 4.0 is released, the support for this release will be ceased. See our new version policy at this link: Since the documentation is not yet up to date with this beta release, I'll try to include the most crucial information about the new features right here in this announcement. For those who hurry, here's a link for the source code: And here are the binaries for Linux/FreeBSD systems: Select the Downloads tab, and i...